END DATE: 12/31/2025 - 294 Days Left!
A Champion for Mukti partners with Mukti Mission US to see that the work of supporting the Mission in India thrives.
Your regular monthly investment for the residents of Mukti Mission will support them in bringing Hope, Healing, and Life!
Restoring hope to women and children gripped by the hopelessness of poverty, rejection, and abandonment, renewing shattered lives by healing past scars and rebuilding life by shaping and empowering their futures.
Your $30 monthly investment will provide 1/4 of a resident's needs. Plus you will have the satisfaction of bringing Hope to individuals!
When you give to this campaign, 15% of your investment supports the Mukti Mission US Administration Expenses allowing our office to serve you and your investments in the Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission in India, as you bring Hope, Healing, and Life to the residents!