END DATE: 10/31/2025 - 233 Days Left!
Mukti Mission has needed an on-site medical professional to care for Mukti residents regularly. YOU can be a part of the solution! Invest in Mukti's medical staff and provide an on-site doctor.
The salary for a doctor to serve at Mukti will be US$1,500 per month. Equivalent to US$ 18,00 through the end of October 2025.
We are stepping out in faith trusting God to provide these funds through Friends of Mukti like yourself.
Investing monthly for one year would be most helpful. Thank you!
When you give to this campaign, 15% of your investment supports the Mukti Mission US Administration Expenses allowing our office to serve you and your investments in the Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission in India, as you bring Hope, Healing, and Life to the residents!