Three Hearts Beat as One

Published Thu, Mar 23, 2023
Written by Jonathan Bollback


“It’s kind of scary for us here,” choked out Sachi* as she tried to control her tears. Sachi was the oldest of three sisters and talked for all of them. “Our parents have both died and no one seems to want us. What’s going to happen to us?”


Akka’s eyes filled with tears, too. Sachi and her two sisters, Palash* and Pavit*, had just been admitted to the Mission and placed into the Flower Family where Akka was housemother. Having cared for orphaned children for decades, Akka knew the raw pain and feelings of rejection and loneliness they were facing.

“Come here, girls, and sit down with me. I want to share something with you,” said Akka tenderly as she peered into their forlorn faces. As she sat them down, she called all the girls in the flower family into a circle. 

“Now, let’s see,” Akka continued as she gathered her thoughts with a prayer to the Lord for wisdom. “This Mission has been built for girls just like you. In fact, all the girls you see around you—your new sisters—have come from situations very similar to yours. For over a hundred years the Mission has been Home to thousands of children who have lost their earthly parents, as you have. Death is a very, very hard thing for people to face and I know your hearts are breaking. You have every reason to feel sad and confused.”

“Wonderfully, we have a loving Father, the Living God, Who has called us His children. Although you may not see or understand it now, He loves you very much. You have me and a whole family of sisters now. Many things are new and strange. But before long, you will know you are loved. We are happy you are part of our family.”

The girls in the circle knew exactly what Sachi, Palash, and Pavit were feeling. They all had been where they now were. One by one the girls hugged their new sisters and welcomed them into the family.

All this happened about 5 and a half years ago. Sachi, Palash, and Pavit have adjusted to life and are making strides forward. Sachi, now almost 18, is outspoken and helpful. She likes school and is doing well. However, since the girls had little education before coming to the Mission, she is behind in her studies. Palash, 16, is tomboyish and stubborn but is showing signs of quiet leadership abilities. Pavit, 14, has a sweet, cooperative disposition; she likes to help cook but gets sick easily. Pray they will catch up in their studies and be encouraged to push ahead. Sachi seems to have the ability to do very well academically but needs deeper motivation to rise higher.

The Heavenly Father has His hand on these precious lives. He is the Molder and Shaper.  Pray that Akka; their Family guardian, their teachers, and others will reach out to them in ways that will be healing and strengthening.

*Names changed for privacy and security. Images Representative.